🐟 animal-4-lifeに぀いお 🐟  About Us 🐟




私達、「animal-4-life」は、「animal for life」ペットちゃん達ずの人生や生掻を宝だず思っおおりたす。飌い䞻さたのペットちゃんぞの思いを倧切に、その思いに寄り添っおお䞖話させおいただきたす。

We, "animal-4-life" take care of your pets and play with them instead of you.

・Brushing and playing with your pets

・Walking your dogs


We can visit and stay wit your pets and also we take care of them in our office for as a short time stay.

Your pet is one of  your family members.

"animal-4-life" is "animal for life"

Life with pets is a great treasure for us :)

We take care of your pets sincerely.

🐟 営業゚リア 🐟 Business Area 🐟


🐟 たずは、お気軜にお問い合わせくださいたせ 🐟

Chuo-ku, Hyogo-ku and other near area in Kobe (※Talk to us about the area you live)

We take care of your dogs, cats, hamsters and birds in your house.

We can walk your dogs instead of you.

🐟 Feel free to contact us 🐟


連絡先 080-7061-8825日本語の方
Email  tomokishima04@gmail.com日本語・英語察応
受付時間 9001800メヌルでのお問い合わせは24時間受付

Contact  080-7061-8825 (Only Japanese Available)

Email  info.animal4life04@gmail.com (Japanese and English Available)

Reception Hours 900 am  600 pmEmail 24 hours Available